HARDFACING WELDING ELECTRODES Building up on hadfield management steel ,Typical applications are rail sections ,Mantles, Hammers, Rolls , Bucket theeth , LipS , Rock crushers Jaw crushers , Couplings, Spindles Excavators, Axles Rail points and crossings. Work Harden Application with 12 to 14% MN
HARDFACING WELDING ELECRODES Rutilebased flux cored wire mainly for crusher hammer •Rolls rail points and crossing ,Crane whee , Ingot tongs , Couplings, Spindles Excavators, Axles Rail points and crossings , Section where serve impact under heavy load Work hardening type for joining and building.
HARDFACING WELDING ELECTRODES Easy to use flux cored wire having good abrasion and impact resistance with higher hardness , Crane wheel , Ingot tongs , Mainly used for bucket lips Teeth Undersides Cutting edges , Rail points and crossings .
HARDFACING WELDING ELECTRODES Rutile type heavy coating Air hardenable crack free deposit Non machinable Resistant to metal to metal wear , Good combination of abrasion and impact propriate Resistant of friction . Recommended buffer layer of tenalloy on hard base materila.
HARDFACING Niobium Carbide WELDING ELECTRODES Crane wheel , Ingot tongs On Bucket teeth Mixer blades Jaw crusher, Hammer ,A Electrods having complex carbide in a tought matrix mainly used for sand and earthmoving equipment ,Excavators, Axles Rail points and crossings. Electrode is designed for high Hardness, Abrasion and impact.
HARDFACING Complex Carbide WELDING ELECTRODES A Electrode having complex carbide in a tough matrix mainly used for sand and earthmoving ,On bucket teeth , Ingot tongs , Mixer blades Pulleys, Shafts , Couplings, Spindles Rail points and crossings , Lips , Hammer , Rolls. High Heat Resistance up to 1000 Degree